Writing with Examples
Writing Exemplification
Exemplification means using examples to explain, convince, or amuse. Lending interest and information to writing, exemplification is one of the most common and effective ways of developing ideas. We also need to know the characteristics of good examples. As supporting information, the best examples are specific, vivid, and representative. In the end, let's mention that the techniques for finding example are listing and clustering.
Use examples to explain, convince, or amuse.
Use examples that are vivid, specific, and representative.
- Vivid examples attract attention.
- Specific examples are identifiable.
- Representative examples are typical and therefore the basis for generalization.
Draw your examples from what you have read, heard, and experienced.
Brainatorm a list or cluter of possible examples before you write.
The order and number of your examples will depend on the purpose stated in your topic sentence or thesis.
Use the writing process
- Write and then revise your paragraph or essay as many times as necessary for coherence, Language (usage tone and diction), Unity, Emphasis, Support, and Sentence (CLUESS).
- Read your work aloud to hear and correct any grammatical errors or awkwardsounding sentences.
- Edit any problems in fundamentails, such as Capitalization, Omissions, Punctuation, and Spelling (COPS).
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